Product description:
The ALPIN HEILMOOR EXTRACT™ is a 100 percent natural, micronized, dark powder, which is characterized by a multitude of proven efficacies.
ALPIN HEILMOOR EXTRACT™ has a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect, it also improves the skin barrier and is skin microbiome-friendly. It also significantly reduces the deposition of harmful substances on the skin and thus prevents their negative consequences. ALPIN HEILMOOR EXTRACT™ has also been shown to have a particularly good anti-acne effect, reducing both inflammatory and non-inflammatory lesions and improving the quality of the skin's appearance. Furthermore, ALPIN HEILMOOR EXTRACT™ has a skin-tightening effect.
In addition to the proven efficacy in the area of skin care, there are also proven effects in the area of oral care. Here, ALPIN HEILMOOR EXTRACT™ also has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. It ensures that several key bacteria that are essential for the imbalance of the gums are reduced, and a significant reduction in P. gingivales was observed compared to placebo. Due to this reduction in P. gingivales, it was found that bleeding gums decreased or even completely disappeared in the test subjects. In addition, ALPIN HEILMOOR EXTRACT™ reduced discoloration on the teeth and the plaque index.
ALPIN HEILMOOR EXTRACT™ also has extensive proof of efficacy in the field of hair care. It also inhibits inflammation in scalp care and balances the microbiome of the scalp. It has also been found to improve the elasticity of hair fibers, especially in bleached and white hair.
ALPIN HEILMOOR EXTRACT™ has also been shown to improve the structure of the hair and scalp.
ALPIN HEILMOOR EXTRACT™ can be used in a wide variety of applications and comes from a particularly sustainable source.
Peat Extract
Country availability
Application areas
Eye care, Color cosmetics, Facial care, Hair care, Hand and foot care, Body care, Men's care, Oral care
Hautpflege/Skin Care:
Sofortige und vorbeugende beruhigende Wirkung/ Immediate and preventive calming effect, Verbesserung der Hautbarriere/Improving the skin barrier, Hautbefeuchtend/Skin moisturising, Aufrechterhaltung und Ausgleich des Hautmikrobioms/Maintaining und balancing the skin microbiome, Hautalterungsvorbeugung/Skin ageing prevention, Entzündungsvorbeugend/Anti-inflammatory, Oxidativen Stress vorbeugend/Prevents oxidative stress, Hautwundheilungsfördernd/ Promotes skin healing, Verbesserung von Akne/Improvement of acneMundpflege/Oral Care:
Schutz des oralen Mikrobioms/Protecting the oral microbiome, Entzündungshemmend/Anti-inflammatory, Gesünderes Mundgefühl/Healthier mouthfeel, Reduktion schädlicher Mundbakterien/ Reduction of harmful oral bacteria, Anti-Plaque Wirkung/Anti-plaque effectHaarpflege/Hair Care:
Aufrechterhaltung und Ausgleich des Mikrobioms der Kopfhaut/Maintaining und balancing the skin microbiome, Stärkung der Kopfhautbarriere/Scalp Barrier Strengthener, Entzündungsvorbeugend/Anti-inflammatory, Schutz vor Umwelteinflüssen/Pollution Shield, Verbessert die Elastizität der Haarfasern/ Improves Hair Fibre Elasticity, Verbesserung der Haar- und Kopfhautstruktur/Improves hair and scalp structureAllgemein/General:
Nachhaltig gewonnen/Sustainable sourced, 100% natürlich/100% natural, CO2-neutraler Wirkstoff/ CO2-neutral active, Einfach zu formulieren/Easy–to–formulate
Dispersible in water
0.5 - 5 %