Product description:
AQ-Save is an active ingredient specifically developed for hair care, obtained from Italian organic certified chestnuts. Unique enzymatic treatments have been applied to reach a dimensional distribution of the chestnuts phytocomplex molecules, in order to allow the successful interaction with the hair surface.
The specific composition of AQ-Save is able to coat hair, repairing damaged hair and closing hair cuticles. This repairing and filming process is also very important to avoid hair water loss and therefore keep the hair healthier and more moisturized.
AQ-Save allows to better retain hair moisture even when the hair is severely stressed by for example a hot iron or straightening treatment, it however also prevents water loss on healthy hair.
AQ Save
Hydrolyzsed Chestnut Extract, Citric Acid, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate
Country availability
Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg
Areas of application
Hair care
Haarregeneration/Hair Regeneration, Repariert Haarschäden/Repairs Hair Damage, Haarfeuchtigkeit/Hair Moisturization, Schutz Gestresstes Haar/Protects Stressed Hair, Regionaler Ursprung/Regionally Sourced, Bio-Biomasse/Organic Biomass
Water soluble
1 %