Product description:
Fiber Booster Plus Saffron is a natural anti-aging cosmetic ingredient developed by Naolys that has been shown to improve dermis functions and slow cell oxidation. This active plant cell helps to reduce the number of free radicals in the skin. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that can damage the cells of the skin and contribute to the visible signs of ageing. By reducing their number, Fiber Booster Plus Saffron helps to improve the overall health and appearance of the skin.
One of the key mechanisms by which Fiber Booster Plus Saffron works is by improving the synthesis of proteoglycans, collagen and other extracellular matrix (ECM) components. Proteoglycans are large, complex molecules found in the ECM and play an important role in the structure and function of the skin. They help to hydrate and firm the skin and support the synthesis of collagen and other ECM components. In vitro studies have shown that Fiber Booster Plus Saffron increases the synthesis of proteoglycans by up to 36% at a concentration of 2.5%.
Collagen is another important ECM component that plays a crucial role in the structure and function of the skin. It is the most abundant fibrous protein in the ECM and provides tensile strength, regulates cell adhesion and supports tissue development. In vitro studies have shown that Fiber Booster Plus Saffron increases collagen synthesis by up to 38% at a concentration of 2.5%.
In addition to its effect on ECM synthesis, Fiber Booster Plus Saffron also has powerful antioxidant properties that protect the skin from oxidative stress. Oxidative stress occurs when the skin is exposed to environmental factors such as UV radiation, pollution and other toxins, which can lead to excessive production of free radicals. These highly reactive molecules can damage the cells of the skin and contribute to the visible signs of ageing. By reducing free radicals in the skin, Fiber Booster Plus Saffron helps to improve the overall health and appearance of the skin. In vitro studies have shown that Fiber Booster Plus Saffron reduces levels of the lipid peroxidation marker MDA by up to 29% compared to the protective enzymes SOD/Catalase.
In summary, Fiber Booster Plus Saffron is a natural and highly effective cosmetic ingredient that has been shown to improve dermis functions, slow cell oxidation and reduce free radical levels in the skin. Its unique combination of ECM-boosting and antioxidant properties make it an excellent choice for anti-ageing and firming skincare products.
Fiber Booster Plus Saffron is available in the following four different forms:
1) 100% Powder
2) 20% Plant Cells Sonicated in Glycerin
3) 20% Plant Cells Sonicated in Sunflower Oil
4) 20% Dispersed in Glycerin
Fiber Booster Plus Saffron
Crocus Sativus Callus Extract
100% powder
20% cells sonicated in sunflower oil
20% cells sonicated in glycerin
20% cells dispersed in glycerin
Country availability
Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg
Application areas
Eye care, Color cosmetics, Facial care, Lip care
Anti-Aging,Straffend/Firming, Antioxidant, Aktive Pflanzenzelle/Active plant cell, Natürlich/Natural, Verbessert die Funktion der Dermis/Improves the dermis functions, Verlangsamt die Zelloxidation/ Slows down cell oxidation, Reduziert freie Radikale/ Reduces free radicals, Verbesserung Fasersynthese/ Improves fibre synthesis
Dispersible in oil and water
0.1 - 2.5 %