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Product description:

OleoSoft-4O was developed by applying our enzymatic activation technology to a mix of almond oil, olive oil, linseed oil and borage oil, chosen for their content of different classes of highly nourishing fatty acids. This technology is able to release all the energy entrapped in vegetal oil, stored in plants in the form of triglycerides. This process allows us to break up triglycerides into their constituents (fatty acids and glycerides), creating a completely new Phytocomplex.


OleoSoft-4O is able to moisturize the skin, being much more quickly absorbed compared with the mix of untreated oils and it leaves the skin far less greasy with an amazing silicone like touch. OleoSoft-4O can deeply nourish skin affected by stretch marks, improving the elasticity and smoothness of the skin while reducing its redness. OleoSoft-4O is also able to improve hair elasticity by increasing the tensile strength.


  • INCI

    Almond/Borage/Linseed/Olive Acids/Glycerides, Tocopherol

  • Country availability

    Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg

  • Areas of application

    Facial care, Hair care, Body care

  • Claim

    Energie Steigernd/Energizing, Reduziert Dehnungsstreifen/Anti-Stretch Marks, Hautelastizität Steigernd/Improves Skin Elasticity, Hautbefeuchtend/Improves Skin Moisturization, Antioxidans/Antioxidant, Reduziert Öligkeit/Reduces Oiliness, Silikonartiges Hautgefühl/Silicone-Like Texture, Schnelle Absorption/Quick Absorption, Haarelastizität Steigernd/Increases Hair Elasticity 

  • Solubility

    Water dispersible, oil soluble

  • Dosage

    Skin care: 3-5%
    Hair care: 1%

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