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Product description:

Our modern lifestyle is characterized by spending time inside. For most people, the biggest part of the day is taken up by work, followed by private obligations, such as the household. Then, of course, we want to have time for our hobbies and finally it would be great to end the day comfortably, e.g., in front of the TV. This leads to the fact that in industrialized countries people ultimately spend up to 90% of their time inside.

Spending a lot of time inside means that we have much less sun energy to recharge, and it is especially bad in the winter months where the days are shorter, and the lack of sunlight can lead to winter depression and low mood. However, less time in the sun also has negative effects on our skin and often this leads to a "tired complexion".


Therefore, wouldn´t it be great if there could be a way for our skin to let the sun "kiss" us even without sunlight, or for us to optimize the efficiency of sun exposure for our skin so that we can make more out of less? This is exactly why we would like to introduce a new unique solution that allows us to achieve these sun effects with the help of a cosmetic raw material - Rootness Mood+!


Rootness Mood+ is a very innovative concept for mimicking and enhancing sunlight through our skin. It helps elevate our mood and improves our sleep by stimulating serotonin and melatonin release. In addition, Rootness Mood+ improves vitamin D distribution in the body.


Basically, Rootness Mood+ is a root extract of the meadow-head (Sanguisorba officinalis), which is known in Chinese medicine for its hemostatic and astringent effect.

An important feature is the extraction of the raw material, because for this the roots of the plant are milked!


In this process, the plants are first grown in France in a greenhouse in very special seed trays where the roots hang freely in the air. As is well known, the nutrient uptake of the plants takes place through the roots and therefore this method offers another very important advantage. The free hanging of the roots not only allows them to be milked, but it also makes it possible to supply the roots with nutrients in a very targeted manner, thus increasing the synthesis of cosmetically relevant components of the Phyto complex.


Due to the unique cultivation method, the roots of Rootness Mood+ contain increased concentrations of tormentic acid derivatives.


Ex-vivo studies have shown that Rootness Mood+ can improve light absorption. Further studies showed stimulation of serotonin, melatonin, vitamin D carriers and receptors.


Clinical studies with 1% Rootness Mood+ showed, by measuring different frequencies of brain waves, a mood enhancing effect that led to a +279% improvement in relaxation compared to the control group.


Furthermore, Rootness Mood+ leads to a more homogeneous and revitalized skin appearance. A significant improvement in the homogeneity of the skin's appearance of 70% was achieved after only 28 days and 87% of the subjects confirmed a significant revitalization of their skin compared to the placebo.


In summary, with Rootness Mood+ we have a particularly innovative raw material, which has a unique raw material extraction as its origin and has a similar effect as sun exposure for our skin or even improves sun absorption. Consequently, this leads to an improvement of the skin appearance and our well-being.

Rootness Mood+

  • INCI

    Propanediol, Sanguisorba Officinalis Root Extract

  • Country availability

    Germany, Austria, Switzerland

  • Application areas

    Facial care, Body care

  • Claim

    Nachhaltig/Sustainable, Innovativ/Innovative, Vielseitig/Versatile, Natürlich/Natural, NaTrue zertifiziert/NaTrue certified, Serotonin Booster, Melatonin Booster, Verbessert Vitamin-D Verteilung/Improved Vitamin-D Distribution, Verbessert Wohlbefinden und Stimmung/Improves Well-being and mood, Innere Entspannung/Inner Relaxation, Verstärkt die positiven Auswirkungen von Sonnenlicht auf der Haut/Enhances sunlight benefits on the skin, Revitalisiert die Ausstrahlung der Haut/Revitalizes skin´s radiance, Homogenisiert und vereinheitlicht den Hautteint/Homogenizes and unifies skin complexion

  • Solubility

    Water soluble

  • Dose

    1 - 3 %

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